Day 23 #blurtselfcareathon


Definition of bravery


 (ˈbreɪ və ri, ˈbreɪv ri) 

n., pl. -er•ies.
1. brave spirit or conduct; courage; valor.

I am not what you call a traditionally brave person. I've never been the type to face my fears until months after a event has happened. When i asked for a job promotion i rehearsed it three times in my head but still delivered it like a stuttering child. However although i am not brave in the traditional sense, i am brave in the way i passionately chase after what i want, even when it means crossing bridges i have never crossed before. I learnt how to change universities and did it by myself to make my life easier because travelling to my old uni took nearly three hours one way. I chased after the job promotion because i have been in the job over three years and felt confident enough to take on more responsibility, even though these things i may have put off out of fear (i put off asking for a job promotion for over a year) i eventually tackled them which is braver than never attempting at all. If you have been putting something off because it scares you or you're not sure where to start, i say just go for it because whats the harm in attempting it and risking a fail rather than not attempting at all and defiantly failing.


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