Day 18 selfcareathon


Being social hasn't always come naturally to me. Growing up as a only child i spent more time in books and imaginary worlds than i did with other people and that made me a little bit socially awkward and weird. I still am that but as i have grown up and matured i've realised that everyone's a little bit weird. it's about finding that person whose weirdness matches yours and you both go and have adventures and laughter together with your inside jokes that nobody else can understand apart from you two. You might both grow up and realize you have both changed and maybe you guys don't match as much as you use to and that's fine. It's a part of life and growing up and changing. You're never going to be the same person you was 5 years ago, heck you might be completely different to the person you was 6 months ago! it happens and thats why its always good to be out there being social, meeting different people who always have something new for you to learn and can give you a different perspective on life or open you up to interests you have never heard or even thought of before.


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