Day 21 + 22


Talking's one thing where i either can't shut up or you can't get a word out of me because i'm in my own little headspace stuck in the clouds, daydreaming of anything and everything. Talking has been pivotal in changing my life. Not talking had me stuck in the same awful relationship i had kept going back to, but talking left me to being free and happy with someone who actually gave a damn about me. It would had never had happened if i had continued being the meek girlfriend that i was when it came to any problems that arose. Talking is a truly important skill to learn and i'm not meaning the talk you have with friends. I'm meaning learning how to talk to your doctor when you have a problem or to a counsellor rather than not saying everything or saying the wrong things like i have in the past, learning to talk to yourself and admitting that you have a problem or that something needs to be changed is another skill too that i have only learnt of recently and i use it as freely as i want to and can, resulting in my life changing immensely because of it. So talk to someone if you have something to say. There's only you stopping yourself from changing what is bothering you or making your life unpleasant, on the flipside there is only you stopping you from talking and making that step into getting the job you want or the hobby that you've always wanted to have a go at, the world is how you make it. There's no stopping you.

Small steps.

Taking small steps in order to improve your life (or yourself!) is just as important as talking big ones. I believe in both. To be honest the day i decided to go vegan i just did it cold turkey with no transitioning. Meanwhile getting into yoga and meditation in order to improve my mental health and physical health i have been doing in baby steps, you do it at your own pace with how you want to improve in life although i do encourage that you push a little out of your comfort zone when you are wanting to improve for how are you going to make any progress in yourself if you're not pushing yourself that tiny bit extra in order to improve that extra bit more if you're completely comfortable when trying to change yourself or something in your life :)
Too true!


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