Pushing Yourself.

This last week has been filled with a lot of quiet time and tackling long overdue goals. These goals haven't been big self improvement/self development ones. These goals have been "boring" monotonous ones such as getting a blood test and my hearing checked. To you they may seem insignificant, but i've had these referral slips to go to these appointments for weeks and i'd had concerns around my hearing and to finally go and just get checked and see that i'm all clear with my hearing was such a relief. To also go get my blood test on the same day too i was proud of , for i'm being responsible towards myself and my health because i know my irons been low for awhile now and i'm getting it rechecked to see where i am at with my iron levels now for it has such a impact on your health and emotions, which i don't want to have messed around or be negatively impacted by. Also this week and on the same day as those two appointments i finally went for and passed my hazards test, brining me one step closer to my goal of getting my full licence by May. I've also been doing lots of driving and have just hit 80 hours of driving out of 120, which i'm really proud of myself for that i'm finally going to not be on my learners licence anymore which i've had for 5 years this year and i'm a bit sick of feeling like i'm behind my peers who have all had their full license for a good few years now. But that's okay i'm finally getting it and achieving what i want even though i'm  a bit late to the party. I've also been trying to push myself physically with my exercise and run more than i can right now. I signed myself up for womens AFL through my uni which is a big reason why i'm trying to push myself so that i'm not so behind the other girls in my team and i can contribute just as much as them and push myself to try something new and build more confidence within myself.


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