In The Lonely Hour
I'm currently at a friends and being the only awake one left because im a terrible night owl, laying in bed wondering what i am to be and want to be for the future, i still have lingering haunting feelings that im a not-so-great person with some anger issues, but then i feel that i'm not when i see how other people i know have been treated including myself. its so odd being in a paradox see-saw of emotions going from extrovert to introvert in one day and my energy levels being very up and down to the point that i nearly passed out on my friends bed earlier in the day. Being social anymore is strange and confusing because with my significant other its easy and flows with my jokes and conversation but with friends and new people it can be quite stilted without me meaning to because at times i honestly dont know what to say! i find that i just end up repeating myself or end up accidentally ignoring a friend because i'm playing my DS (yes i know i'm a nerd) and i feel terrible afterwards. i definitely need to make more effort with the friends i do have because they are fantastic people to be around because they're very much like me with just wanting to chill out and do whatever.
Anyway thats all my thoughts and ramblings for now
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