2022 Goals.

 This year is the year that I realised that I can't control anyone. The people I pick to be in my circle will be the biggest influencers on how I live, guide and grow my life. 

This year I want to: 

Build better, slower, more meaningful connections with people who choose me and there is equal give into the friendship.

Enjoy the company of the people that I am around.

Work on learning how to be a better friend and how to pick better friends, e.g send a friend a spontaneous message when you're thinking of them, reach out to old connections that you have not talked to in a while, whose presence you felt good to be around. 

Move my body with more awareness and get at least 3,000 steps on a workday and 6,000 on weekends 
Listen to podcasts that grow my knowledge to and from work. 

Read one book a week.

Lean into art more.

Research what post-grad you would like to do.

Meet with one friend/ one new friend a week. 

Apply for those internships.

Apply for WFH positions. 

Reflect on what is my why/my north star. - I feel like all of the stress and the drama of the last two years of my life have just added to me drifting away and losing my focus on what my centre is and I have lost a lot of natural level of happiness in my day to day. 

Stick to self at work, don't be unnecessarily over-friendly.

Diversify the people that you want to get to know. 

Work on facing conflict and conflict resolution. 

There is no such thing as immediate friends or immediate best friends, good friends are slow yet glow when they are ready to flourish as you honestly and truthfully get to know one another. 

Find people that fill your cup up but also allow you to fill theirs.

Let go of outgrowing friendships. 


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