2017 recap

What a year 2017 was. it really taught me a lot this year and i feel that towards the end of 2017 i had some realisations/revelations about myself and what i want to achieve or develop in the new year. 2017 was a lot of loss emotionally. i lost a lot of friendships but looking back i don't see how it has impacted me negatively when i stood out of myself and saw how awkward i actually felt around these people most of the time. and the one person that i did feel quite saddened at losing my friendship with she probably felt awkward being around me too because to be honest i'm not a great person. No one is. But i believe life is about finding those people who's bad bits fit with yours and turn out working the best for both of you by teaching new things about yourself and the world. Take for example me and my boyfriend. His overwhelming generosity and ability to be a mirror to me has softened me up a lot more and taught me to be realistic with myself rather than getting upset over things before thinking about it a different way while my oversensitivity has taught him things about how to handle confrontation better and notice how people can pick up things way differently than he means which has gotten him into trouble at times but we all live and learn. 2017 has taught me to push out of myself emotionally, physically and mentally. i've started interests in things that i didn't really think i would such as make up which was a bandwagon i missed quite a few years ago and weirdly enough i feel like 2017 was the start of my 'glow up' in growing into myself and my new interests such as love for fila and their clean prep looks along with the fila disruptors i didn't expect to love and spark a interest in more fashion styles and wanting to try a fashion blog to push me out there more, even wanting to try drama classes has been piping my interest and i really want to get back into dance but i need to save up again before i do but i will get there. 2018 i'm ready for you. <3


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